Pens, paper and people: the design process behind Elan Imperial Gurugram with Chloë Thirkell

Chloë Thirkell Benoy Architect Associate Director

Contact Chloë Thirkell, Architect Associate Director

Since 2023, our Newark team has been providing design services for an exciting new mixed-use development in Gurugram, India. Blending retail, dining, leisure, entertainment and hospitality, the scheme, commissioned by developers Elan Group, promises to bring a stunning array of uses and facilities to this ‘on-the-move’ district of Gurgaon city. Chloë Thirkell, Architect Associate Director at Benoy, has worked on Elan Imperial from day-one. Here, she describes the design process that has underpinned the project’s success so far.

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The Elan Imperial project presented a number of interesting challenges. Firstly, the site itself is constrained and unusual in shape, almost like a bow or figure of eight, with a very constricted centre. It’s a configuration that’s not naturally conducive to free-flowing customer footfall or well-trafficked retail units. We also had to navigate local building regulations while adjusting to a complex unit sale model. The climate, too, was a key consideration, with shoppers and visitors likely to need respite from the heat of day. 

To overcome these challenges and meet the project brief, we adopted a unique design process comprised of several key components, as follows: 

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1. Live design

From the outset, Elan Group were keen for us to develop our design concepts in situ at their studio in Gurugram. So, my colleague, Mike MacCormack and I flew out to India, armed with a few initial ideas, pencils, pens and tracing paper. Over the course of the next week, we delivered a series of drawing workshops. Each day, we sat down with Shantanu Mallick (Chief, Architecture and Design, Elan Group) and Ashish Kumar Upadhyay (Vice President, Architecture and Design, Elan Group), both of whom are experienced architects, and we all began sketching and sharing ideas. We worked non-stop, sketching and resketching on multiple sheets of paper; then refining and developing our concepts together. It was an intensive but hugely productive and positive experience. 

The great advantage of this live design’ approach is that you get feedback as you’re working, which makes the whole process really efficient. It’s not about going away, perfecting your concepts in private then presenting them – it’s about working openly as a collaborative design team, engaging with each other directly as ideas evolve in real time. Of course, it requires a high level of technical drawing skill and confidence; but it also involves real transparency, which helps to build trust. And it’s mutually beneficial. As designers, we receive clear direction and quickly get to grips with the broad project principles, which cuts out a lot of abortive work. Meanwhile, the client – in this case, the Elan Group senior management and asset owners – can see their project designs taking shape and coming to life on the page, fully aligned with their vision.

I like the idea that, behind all the glossy images and CGI renders of new projects, there’s good old-fashioned sketching and in-person dialogue going on. Because this is where it all starts: on paper, with a conversation. Yes, there’s tech and software involved further down the line, but it all begins with a pile of tracing paper and pens. It’s very hands-on, and it’s something we do exceptionally well at Benoy. 

2. Collaboration and engagement

Not only is live design’ iterative, it’s also fully interactive, which means there’s a great deal of collaboration. During our time in India, Mike and I were constantly exchanging ideas with the Elan team. All the while, I was sending sketches back to our designers in the UK; and when we returned, as the concepts progressed from paper to 3D, we continued to liaise with the Elan studio each day. Three months into the project, Shantanu and Ashish flew over to spend time in our London and Newark studios, where the interactive, in-person design development continued. It was a very international collaborative process, with a constant flow of communication.

Above all, the sustained interaction helped to expedite important decisions and clarify key issues as we went. It meant we were able to resolve challenges linked to building regulations and unit sale schemes without time-consuming errors or misunderstandings. Having the Elan team there, in the room or remotely, meant we could leverage their local knowledge to nip any problems in the bud. They might say, you’ll need a 10-meter offset here’, or you can’t do that there’, which meant we didn’t fall foul of any regulatory constraints. And we could tailor our designs very precisely to their operational requirements. In this way, we were able to deliver a higher-value, deeper-quality product. 

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3. Contextual and cultural immersion

During our time in Gurugram, we immersed ourselves in the local architecture and culture and acquired a strong sense of place. Being able to visit the project site gave us a unique, on-the-ground perspective which informed our concepts and enriched the design process. Indeed, it enabled us to devise a scheme that’s context-relevant and end-user-focused, fully attuned to local landscape, culture, climate and consumers.

4. Retail loops, pavilions and waterfalls

Through the approaches we adopted, we were able to deliver a cutting-edge design scheme that addresses the key project challenges and matches our client’s aspirations.

To overcome the site constraints and improve circulation, we designed an infinity loop structure, without any dead-ends or blind alleys, looking to enable free-flowing consumer traffic. We also created a terraced crystal form at the heart of the scheme, which aims to engage and orient visitors and brings the looped pathways together. Meanwhile, a series of pavilions breaks up the building’s frontage into aesthetically striking segments, enticing consumers in over the threshold. We also used the pavilion rooftops to diversify the proposition, promoting greenspace, biophilia, sporting areas and recreational facilities. 

Inside, we integrated waterfalls into the design to provide evaporative cooling and transpiration. Given the sometimes-punishing daytime temperatures, our aim here was to create an amenable internal climate without intensive air conditioning. The water features and installations are also intended to provide points of engagement and delight, while acting as natural wayfinding mechanisms. 

Following 19 months of work, our designs for Elan Imperial are now at the schematic stage. Overall, Elan Imperial is an ambitious, forward-looking development that offers a dense and diverse mix of uses. Encompassing hotels, apartments, cinemas, leisure and retail, plus a range of food courts and restaurants, it will provide a wealth of amenities and activities for local people, creating lasting value for Gurugram.

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