“We have definitely seen a shift in focus from the clients we work with, who now expect a greener approach and want to directly address the challenges of sustainable urban regeneration in city centres. On an infrastructure and policy level, London is definitely becoming a greener city, with a growing focus on combatting pollution, and increased investment in superhighways for a more walkable and ridable city. At a human scale, we’re seeing a greater focus on the creation of pleasant public spaces to encourage social cohesion. The positive impact of greenery and biophilia on both mental health and wellbeing is also better understood, with sustainable and innovative materials now playing a much bigger role.”
Benoy’s Monika Laudencka-Sobik, Director and Co-Chair of the ULI Europe Sustainability Product Council, and Madeleine Hug, Associate Director in our London studio, were part of a panel of experts consulted by Business Leader Magazine this month for their feature ‘Is London a Sustainable City?’
Read the full piece here.