08 March 2022

International Women’s Day 2022

Every year on March 8th, people around the world celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) and the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women across nations and all walks of life.

This year, we feature a number of inspiring females and male allies from Benoy and our sister companies Pragma Consulting, Holmes Wood and Uncommon Land to share their thoughts and support for this important cause.

Let’s hear from staff across our four businesses in their own words.

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IWD Animation GIF
IWD IG Nina Noor
IWD IG Sunny Yu
IWD IG Nutcha
IWD IG Simon
IWD IG Julie
IWD IG Yejia Zhu
IWD IG Claire
IWD IG Jason
IWD IG Sarah
IWD Animation GIF
IWD IG Nina Noor
IWD IG Sunny Yu
IWD IG Nutcha
IWD IG Simon
IWD IG Julie
IWD IG Yejia Zhu
IWD IG Claire
IWD IG Jason
IWD IG Sarah