28 June 2024

Inspiring future design talent at Benoy Hong Kong Studio

Benoy is dedicated to cultivating the next generation of talent keen to make a positive impact in the built environment. As part of this, a group of secondary students from Maryknoll Convent School visited our Hong Kong Studio for an inside look at the day-to-day life of design professionals.

Teri Tsang, Director and Hong Kong Studio Lead, led the job shadowing experience for the students, who herself is an alumna of Maryknoll. As someone who walked the same halls as these impressionable minds, Teri provided first-hand insights on the realities of an architect’s work. She shared her own experiences and highlighted the diverse skillset required to excel as a design professional — from creative ideation to technical execution to client engagement.

The students toured the studio facilities, getting a closer view of where designers turn concepts into reality. They then had a sharing session with our architect, Rainbow Chan, as well as architectural assistants, Charlie Zhu, Alyssa Ng and Yuanjia Luo. They spoke about their journeys, from studying architecture to transitioning into their current roles. The day ended with Teri leading a tour of Hysan Place in Causeway Bay, one of Benoy’s iconic projects in the heart of Hong Kong.

Events like this studio visit helps inspire the next generation and showcases the rewarding career paths in design. Benoy is committed to developing future talent that will shape the built environment of tomorrow through innovative and thoughtful design.

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