12 July 2024

Taichung High-Speed Rail gets greener: Nature meets commerce in new development

Imagine a vibrant city where nature and urban living thrive together, celebrating its rich cultural heritage while offering new exploration and shopping experiences. This vision drives our transformative, mixed-use, transit-oriented development (TOD) for the Taichung High-Speed Rail Section

Rayvees Goh, Director, Landscape Architecture, commented: 

The landscape design concept embodies a vision of urban utopia where nature and commerce coalesce in perfect harmony. By seamlessly blending architectural innovation with ecological stewardship, cultural vibrancy, and community engagement, we aspire to create an enduring legacy that transcends mere function and becomes a true symbol of Taichung’s progressive spirit.”

Our landscape architecture team has crafted a vision inspired by Taichung’s rich landscape, culture, and heritage, transforming urban spaces into vibrant, sustainable environments that blend greenery with urban dynamism.

Landscape Architecture Highlights

Mall in the Park: Integrating lush, park-like settings with the mall, creating a unique blend of indoor and outdoor spaces.

The Hub: Transforming the development into a vibrant lifestyle nexus with dynamic social spaces where arts, culture, and commerce converge.

The Gateway: Establishing a fresh gateway to Taichung, blending the city’s essence with a unique identity and unforgettable encounters.

Sustainable and Immersive Experiences

Coastal Forest: Creating a serene ambiance with sustainable initiatives, including the Eco-Garden and Floating Grove.

Cloud Valley: An elevated sanctuary with unparalleled vistas of Taichung’s skyline, ideal for social gatherings and cultural celebrations.

Enchanted Valley: A central gathering court featuring mesmerizing light and sound displays and lively al fresco spaces.

Benoy: Shaping Taichung’s Future

At Benoy, we’re passionate about creating visionary landscapes that inspire and connect communities. We are proud to contribute our full expertise in architecture, masterplanning, and landscape architecture to this project. This development not only drives Taichung’s progress as a transit-oriented hub but also sets a new standard for sustainabledesign.

Full project details: https://​www​.benoy​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​2​4​/​0​7​/​t​a​i​c​h​u​n​g​-​l​a​n​d​m​a​r​k​-​t​o​d​-​d​e​v​e​l​o​p​m​e​n​t​-​b​r​e​a​k​s​-​g​r​o​u​n​d​-​b​l​e​n​d​i​n​g​-​n​a​t​u​r​e​-​a​n​d​-​u​r​b​a​n​-​d​y​n​a​mism/

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