06 September 2024

Lotte Mall West Lake Hanoi: Featured in Korean magazine as global design showcase

Lotte Mall West Lake Hanoi, nestled along Hanoi’s picturesque West Lake, stands as a beacon of architectural brilliance. This iconic mixed-use development was recently featured in SPACE, a leading Korean architecture magazine, highlighting its resounding success since opening in Vietnam last September.

In an exclusive interview with SPACE, key figures behind this award-winning project shared their insights on the design inspiration and collaborative process. The project team comprised of Benoy Design Director, Gregory Kovacs, representatives from Lotte Group (the developer), and Junglim Architecture (the Korean architect). They highlighted how global expertise was harnessed to bring this innovative project to life.

Gregory discussed the challenges of harmonising Korean requirements with Vietnamese local conditions. Lotte Mall was a Korean project conducted in Vietnam, which made it complicated to consider the Korean requirements as well as Vietnamese local conditions,” he stated, emphasising the importance of considering the physical environment, social, economic, and cultural factors that influence how people interact with the space. 

To address Hanoi residents’ living patterns, the design team planned Lotte Mall to provide comfortable indoor spaces during the day and a terrace overlooking West Lake for evening dining and strolling. Gregory observed, Most people spend their time indoors during the hottest part of the day and head out to the old town in the evenings to enjoy food and drinks as the sun sets.” This design approach ensured Lotte Mall seamlessly integrate into the fabric of Hanoi life.

The Lotte Mall West Lake Hanoi complex has attracted two million visitors in its first two months and generated 100 billion KRW in sales within the first four months. This success underscores the effective partnership between local and international design expertise, resulting in a landmark destination that has captivated both visitors and the architectural community.

For more information about the project, please visit https://​www​.benoy​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​2​0​2​4​/​0​5​/​l​o​t​t​e​-​m​a​l​l​-​w​e​s​t​-​l​a​k​e​-​h​a​n​o​i​-​w​h​e​r​e​-​a​r​c​h​i​t​e​c​t​u​r​e​-​m​e​e​t​s​-​c​o​m​m​erce/

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