Benoy Branded Environments Branded Identity Project Wellbeing Poster Mockup 01

Benoy Wellbeing Identity

Creating a fun, friendly and vibrant brand to drive up engagement with workplace wellbeing








Benoy wanted to refresh its internal wellbeing offer and increase awareness of available support for staff. A new identity was needed, including more user-friendly online resources, to drive up engagement among the company’s global workforce. 


With the previous wellbeing program lacking in clarity and cut-through, Benoy Branded Environments set about creating an intuitive, fun and friendly identity. The team conceived an engaging logo and set of shapes, hand-drawn sketches and pictograms, plus four distinct icons representing the central pillars of the offer: mental, physical, social and financial wellbeing. The wellbeing intranet pages were stripped of unnecessary text and redesigned to enable easy navigation and access to existing resources. Welcoming banners and clear visual assets were deployed to enhance the user experience, while stylised scribbles, underlines and shapes help to highlight key text and information. The team created a colour palette combining bright and earthy colours to provide both vibrancy and reassurance. A central wellbeing calendar ties the work together by flagging relevant world days and events, with monthly calls-to-action that resonate across all global studios. 


In this way, Benoy Branded Environments transformed a dry and functional site into a warm, engaging and dynamic online environment that encourages staff to interact with the wellbeing program. The brand identity and assets have been well received and employees around the world have reported a positive and empowering experience.

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Wellbeing Insta 01 35
Benoy Branded Environments branded identity wellbeing project example 1
Benoy Branded Environments Branded Identity Project Wellbeing Website 01 16
Benoy Branded Environments branded identity wellbeing project example 2
Benoy Branded Environments Branded Identity Project Wellbeing Website 01 18
Benoy Branded Environments branded identity wellbeing project example 3
Benoy Branded Environments Branded Identity Project Wellbeing Website 01 16
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