16 Bodleian Library

Bodleian Library
Oxford, UK

Reinvigorating interior spaces through improved circulation






University of Oxford


The newly refurbished Weston Library, part of the University of Oxford’s Bodleian Libraries, needed a wayfinding scheme to improve circulation through expanded research areas and public spaces. 


The new scheme also had to blend seamlessly with historic architectural features and contemporary interventions. Through the use of a flexible sign system, Benoy Branded Environments provided improved navigation for book retrieval and user movement, with subtle bookmark’ references highlighting key information. Our design also enhances user engagement with new exhibition spaces, while gently integrating wayfinding components with the Grade II listed interiors. A perfect balance of old and new.


A wayfinding scheme that improves circulation within the Weston Library’s new spaces, while integrating with historic and modern architectural features.

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Oxford Bodleian Library N22 hd lanscape
Oxford Bodleian Library N28 hd portrait
Oxford Bodleian Library N18 hd portrait
Oxford Bodleian Library N22 hd lanscape
Oxford Bodleian Library N28 hd portrait
Oxford Bodleian Library N18 hd portrait