13366 N3

Brentford Works
London, UK

Creating a new sustainable live-work-make community for Brentford


Architecture and Masterplanning




We were asked to take a previously isolated site in East Brentford, London UK, and transform it into a new, progressive live-work-make’ community. The scheme would be a vibrant hub of economic and community activity, bringing people together and generating new employment opportunities at the same time. 


Our designs for the site champion high-quality residential design and affordable housing provision, all centred around a new public square. Sustainability sits at the core of the scheme, with plans to deliver a harmonious blend of modern architecture and thoughtful urban living. 

Central to the project’s community-oriented vision is the enhancement of the public realm. The Great West Road Project will introduce a new, inviting public square at its heart, providing a vibrant gathering place for residents to socialize and engage in community activities. Moreover, the incorporation of active frontages along the Great West Road and Lionel Road will create pedestrian-friendly spaces, encouraging a sense of connectivity and fostering a lively street life. The local community will find themselves at the centre of a dynamic urban landscape that exudes a strong sense of identity and pride.

The Great West Road Project is firmly dedicated to enhancing the environment and promoting biodiversity. Embracing a holistic sustainability agenda, the development aims to achieve net zero carbon emissions, setting ambitious targets to combat climate change and reduce its environmental impact. By introducing a higher level of biodiversity to the site, the project not only enhances the natural landscape but also provides an ecologically diverse habitat for various species, nurturing the area’s ecosystem for generations to come.


The Great West Road Project is a testament to innovative urban planning and community-centric development. By optimizing land use, introducing workshops and light industries, providing high-quality residential design and affordable housing, enhancing public spaces, supporting public transportation, and embracing sustainability, the project promises a brighter and more sustainable future for Brentford’s community. With the well-being of its residents and the environment at its core, this visionary initiative sets a new standard for urban development, transforming East Brentford into a thriving and harmonious neighbourhood for all. The project is currently in planning. 

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