Heathrow Commercial Masterplan
London, UK

Building a dynamic future for Heathrow






Heathrow draws millions of passengers through its doors each year. Catering to its growing commercial opportunities, Benoy has been appointed as part of a multi-disciplinary team working on a major project that runs up to the year 2035 and beyond. We will devise the commercial strategy and masterplan, as well as advise on the business potential within and around the public transport interchanges, terminals, satellites and piers.


Working collaboratively with the integrated design team, we are testing and preparing strategies and development briefs to establish the wider masterplan. From property and retail to passenger services and brand perception, we are championing the spirit of Heathrow over the next two decades, creating innovative designs and commercial opportunities to expand and enhance the airport’s offerings.


Project under development.

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Heathrow Airport Expansion London Uk Edit
L7332 N5 hd
Heathrow Airport Expansion London Uk Edit
L7332 N5 hd