Opera House
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Re-imagining the Istiklol Palace Concert Hall as the heart of the New Cultural District of Tashkent


Masterplanning/ Architecture




Istiklol Palace Opera House - 15 000m2
Masterplan - 30 000m2


The Istiklol Palace is one of the most iconic buildings in the capital of Tashkent, an Opera House considered a National Heritage. We were asked to propose the refurbishment of the building while embracing its historical background. At the same time, the surroundings of the Istiklol Palace are also a key point for to create a cultural district that could become a new destination for the city. The aim was to create a place for the people, activated through the day and night with different functions.


Inspired by their extensive historic heritage and their cultural art, our proposal enhances the importance of the Palace by celebrating the historic architecture of the building and adding a light roof structure to create a new vision of the city. As the heart of the New Cultural District, the design of vibrant green areas and new cultural activities activates the presence of the Palace with views from different key locations around the area. Our proposal embraces the scale of the city, enabling a green visual axis from Tashkent Circus to Navoi Park, with Istiklol Palace at its centre.

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