Tate Modern
London, UK

Translating an iconic brand into robust architectural form


Culture & Civic






Tate Modern is the most visited museum of modern and contemporary art in the world. Since 2000, it has transformed the urban landscape of London’s South Bank and enriched the cultural fabric of the city. Our involvement began when the old power station was still a derelict shell. As the museum evolved, we developed the original wayfinding scheme in close collaboration with the client and architect, Herzog & de Meuron. 


Our clear and purposeful designs have stood the test of time, proving both elegant and durable. We also created key applications, such as an essential map to the building’s seven levels and Turbine Hall, helping visitors navigate and delight in this global cultural beacon.


Elegant and durable wayfinding designs and applications that have formed a key part of Tate Modern’s evolution.

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Tate Modern
Tate Modern N23 hd landscape edit
0305 N3 hd landscape edit
Tate Modern
Tate Modern N23 hd landscape edit
0305 N3 hd landscape edit