The company provides expert consultancy services to commercial operators, and due diligence to investors, with a particular focus on mixed use, airports, travel, and retail property. The team help their clients by delivering expert services in commercial intelligence and quick wins; commercial strategy and vision; space planning and revenue forecasting; and investment advisory and due diligence.
16 五月 2019
和Jamie Webb在智慧城市印度 世博会见面
贝诺欧洲、中东及非洲区域负责人Jamie Webb将出席5月22日至24日位于印度新德里举行的“智慧城市印度 世博会”(Smart Cities India Expo)。
Jamie将围绕“如何打造智慧城市城市规划和建筑设计” 为议题进行演讲。如需安排现场会议,请发邮件提前预约:
关于智慧城市印度2019 (Smart Cities India 2019)