The company provides expert consultancy services to commercial operators, and due diligence to investors, with a particular focus on mixed use, airports, travel, and retail property. The team help their clients by delivering expert services in commercial intelligence and quick wins; commercial strategy and vision; space planning and revenue forecasting; and investment advisory and due diligence.
21 二月 2025
Ruchi Chakravarty 在新伦敦建筑协会(NLA)举办的链接社区主题PechaKucha上演讲
Ruchi Chakravarty,Benoy贝诺的设计董事兼总体规划与城市设计负责人,昨晚受邀在新伦敦建筑协会(NLA)举办的 “连接社区”(Connecting Communities)主题PechaKucha活动上发表演讲,她分享了自己主导屡获殊荣的斯特兰德大道及阿尔德维奇街(Strand Aldwych)项目的经验。
Ruchi在伦敦负责交付复杂项目方面经验丰富,并且拥有近 20 年的从业经验,曾主导英国、美国、印度、中东和非洲等地各种规模项目的设计与交付工作。